My Birthday, I woke up on the morning at 6.45am ready to take Pixie-mai to school, Paris had already received an email advising not to attend school due to a Covid case, so Pixie was not happy that she was going to school & her big sister was not!
I returned home made myself a coffee and had a complete melt down, I sat in the kitchen and felt sorry for myself, thinking about my appointment the day after and what if it was Cancer, how am I going to tell my family, my boss! Pandora at Christmas!!!! that I need time off. Who Is going to do the shopping? all those silly things that us women think about when there may be a problem ahead.. then the phone rang!
"Hello this is Vicky from Dosthill School" we have had a case of Covid in Conwy Bubble so Pixie needs picking up. I told Vicki I would be there straight away, wiped my eyes and picked up our Princess Pixie who was so happy as she was getting to share Mom's Birthday at home.
Well what I didn't know was that when I returned home, I had a doorstep visit from my colleagues, of which one bought her cat!!! yes her cat... I have been nagging Phil for quite a while now for a cat and he still hasn't caved in, assuring me that we should have a dog instead.
I also received a present from a very special person in my life, which I will share down the line in time to come! its all very shhh at the moment..
On the evening we celebrated with a takeaway & drinks and the girls managed to get me a cake... the only cake available at our local supermarket.
