Hi Everyone,
A lot has happened over the past week since my last update.
I slowly recovered over the week and started to feel a bit better by the weekend 29/30 May 2021.
So on Sunday evening I searched google to find out where we could actually visit without being in contact with anyone, as I didn't want to be spending Bank Holiday at home, and poor Pixie to miss out.
I managed to find that Manor Farm Fruits at Hints did Strawberry picking, it was outside and you also had your own tunnel to pick the strawberries from which was just perfect, so this was how we spent our Monday morning, which was lovely, and the strawberries were just amazing!
Later that day we also went for a walk over the nature reserve, we bumped into Sue & Clive who I hadn't seen for a while which was so lovely and then bumped into Jodie & Andy with their children walking the dog and had a good old catch up and chatted about dogs.. (something that us Wallbank Family are contemplating but needs to be the right time).. and that's not yet.
Tuesday 01 June 2021.
I had a lovely visit from Jayne Murden, a friend that I made just under 20 years ago when Ben started at Dosthill School, Jayne's son was a buddy for Ben when he started there and was such a good friend to him over the years.
Jayne and I sat in the garden and chatted about anything and everything and it was just perfect.. you know that friend that you don't have to see from one month to the next.. even years but its like you saw them yesterday when you get back in touch, that was just how it was..
It was so lovely to see you Jayne, and I look forward to seeing you very soon, with the unsociables (maybe)...
04th June 2021.
Princess Pixie's Birthday.
Pixie was 11 on the 04 June, and due to me shielding, I arranged a little surprise for her and a friend for a sleepover, I managed to get in touch with a lovely lady called Kirsten who owns Sweet Teepee Dreams in Tamworth.
With short notice Kirsten arranged to come and set up the teepee's and arranged the sweets with the sweete shoppe
I chose the rose gold set up, which was so lovely.. and Pixie was over the moon, as she and Isla were planning to make a fort of their own that night.
Pixie and Isla had their Mcdonalds breakfast, baked a cake, did some painting on canvas's which were so lovely, both of their handprints and finger prints and I managed to use my new Cricut maker to add their names.. then at 3 oclock went on a 3 hour shopping trip with Dad to spend her birthday money.. which phil thoroughly enjoyed, so his more than welcome to do that again..
We then had a visit from our lovely friends Julie & Steve who are god parents to Pixie, with Lily ella which was so lovely.. they bought gifts for Pixie but also bought some beautiful gifts for me too.. Thank you to you all, we loved seeing you and can't wait until this is over to eventually sit in the Gin Shed with you..
The night was then finished with Nandos.. one of Pixies favourite.. Take out of course..
05th June 2021.
Mexican Night..
What a perfect night, Phils brother David and our sister in law Jackie and the children came over for a night in the garden to have Mexican night... we ate sooo much, thanks to Jackie I also discovered Nosecco... non alcoholic Prosecco (rose) Asda.. it is so nice.. and will be on the hunt for this again..
Thank you both for such a perfect night, we all thoroughly enjoyed it.. and look forward to the next time..
Sunday 06th June 2102
Covid Jab Day, I have eventually been able to have my 2nd covid vaccination, this has been a real battle over the weeks, as my bloods haven't been high enough to have and then due to me having Pfizer, local vaccination centres were either closing or out of stock of the pfizer, then there was a battle of booking the appointment at a certain point as it was only to be given the weekend before number 5 Chemo..
I managed to book online and visited the Millenium Point in Birmingham, amazing service there and I am now very happy that I am fully vaccinated.
Monday 07 June 2021.

What a beautiful Monday morning it was too.. the sun was shining, and all seems so much better when it is.
Today my lovely HR Manager Jude visited for my duty of care call, we have had quite a few calls over the past few months and zoom calls, so to see Jude in person was just perfect.
Jude had bought me flowers and I had bought her flowers too, and I had bought gifts for her two beautiful children to do some gardening at home, which were greatly received and I had the most beautiful videos and pictures to show me how grateful they were.
Thank you so much for all your hard work, and your calls Jude over these past 6 months, I am very grateful for what you have done for me.. I will miss you so much.. love lots xxx
Monday Afternoon 3pm...
What a perfect way to finish my day, sitting with my friend Gina who I've known for 44 years!! and although we have drifted apart from time to time, due to family commitments or location, we somehow come back together eventually.. just proving good friendships will always remain however long you have seen each other.
Gina is someone I absolute admire, she is strong, smiley, determined and although she has mentioned I inspire her.. Gina you inspire me with your strength.. I love you dearly my friend.
We spent a few good hours chatting and catching up, sharing plans of the future which I am excited about for both of us..

I love you lots my dear friend. xxx
Thank you so much for my beautiful candle.. the smell is divine...
See you very very soon.